Confessions of a Former HamburgerJunkie

{August 23, 2007}   Summer is done

So, things have gone from bad to dead around here.
I mean that in the sense of hcvp headquarters. The entire film crew bailed for one reason or another, mostly because well, N.B. is pregnant and she was our main actress. So really there is no film. Some people moved, some people just got bitchy and left.
I am over on Facebook (not happy there though) because Gerry bugged me till I did.
I will be moving soon. I know, I have been talking about it for the past year, but I am packing up my life.

{June 29, 2007}   Mmm?

Nothing special, just noticed I haven’t written anything in a month. so to let everyone know, another one of the hardcore Vamps Prods., members is pregnant. Congrats N.B. ! Love all around.

{May 26, 2007}   Birth

I will open this by saying that Mya and Avery Brooks were born to Butterfly and her husband on the 18th of May. (Butterfly is one of my oldest and closest friends as well as one of the original hardcore Vamps Prods., members)

And moving into the food segment ….MeatlessLoaf. I have come across a few recipes for Meatless meatloaf, but have yet to make it work. It comes out just crumbly, just won’t stick together. Meatloaf is one of the only things I truely miss about becoming veggy. I looked in veggy cookbooks, on the net and the food network, but none of the recipes have managed to stay in a well loaf form once I cut into it. Just falls apart.

{May 16, 2007}   A Vote For Canada

As much as I hate this crappy city, I must admit that Thunder Bay has something that SHOULD be considered a 7 Wonders of Canada, maybe even the world. So support in getting the SLEEPING GIANT listed as one of the Canadian 7 Wonders by going to this link

{May 1, 2007}   Cool.
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