Confessions of a Former HamburgerJunkie

{April 2, 2007}   The Donald Trumps WWE

Lashley beat Umaga.
What does this mean folks? Well if you watch WWE then you know that at the payperview last night, Donald Trump got to shave Vince McMahon’s head bald. It has been a silly but pricey feud that the Billionaires have had for the last few months, hyping the largest wrestlemaina ever.

{February 9, 2007}   Was it drugs?

By now everyone has heard about Anna Nicole Smith’s death at age 39.
The former Playmate was found in a hotel room by a private nurse and body guard. Her body is being held for dna in the very odd court case of her baby daughter. Her own mother had done interviews saying she believes it was a drug overdose that caused her death. 3 different men have been named as the potential father of her newborn.

{January 25, 2007}   Canadians could Loose Movies

Because of DVD bootleggers in Montreal, major American movie companies are threatening to delay release dates of films here in Canada. Camera laws in certain cinemas are low to none and bootleggers are high.

{December 8, 2006}   Snipes Sniped in Tax Fraud

Actor Wesley Snipes was reported to have been arrested after turning himself into police this week. The 44 year old actor is best known for his role as Blade in the popular vampire films. He is said to have failed to file and pay his taxes for the years of 1999-2004. His representative said this will not disrupt the production of his latest film that is in production. Snipes is currently shooting a western in Africa.

{December 5, 2006}   Blonde and Bare

Okay so the big deal is that now Britney is playing peekaboo with the fans. Seems our favourite popdiva is deciding to run around in public without her underwear. Hell why not? She has already been caught on camera running around public bathrooms without shoes. Which I think would be more of a reason to have expected this. Bad taste? Maybe, maybe not, Unhygienic Like For Sure. On the shockometer I give this a 4.9 out of 10.

et cetera